Volunteer Application Instructions
Thank you for showing an interest in our ministries here at Hanover Community Christian School.
Please complete the checklist below. Any questions, please direct them to the school via email hanoverchristianschool@gmail.com.
1. Policy
Please read over the attached HCCS Volunteer Screening Policy and keep it for further reference.
2. Application
Complete the Application Form and return it to the HMC office in a sealed envelope with attention to HCCS Volunteer Screening Committee.
A mutually convenient time for an interview will then be arranged.
3. Police Check
Any volunteer over the age of 18 needs to have a police check done every 3 years.
Request your signed letter via email hanoverchristianschool@gmail.com to submit to your local police office.
Follow the instructions for the detachment that services the area where you live. Police Check Instructions
An annual signed declaration form is also required.
4. Parent Handbook
Please read the Parent Handbook.
Please print and return a signed copy of the Acknowledgement page.
5. Plan to Protect Instructions
Please visit the Plan to Protect tab on our website under Volunteer. The training will be at your own charge.
Please be sure to print your certificate upon completion to submit to the school.
Mandatory in person refresher training is required every 3 years, with an annual training session in the fall.
** Return all forms to the HMC office ATTN: HCCS Volunteer Screening Committee**
Together we can ensure HCCS is a safe environment for all!