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Volunteer Opportunities

Have some extra time or a special skill that you could use in or out of the classroom? 

Here are some ways you can volunteer:


Volunteer in the classroom

(Grades 3-8)


Volunteers are a vital and valued aspect of HCCS, both as enrichment and a way to close the gap between tuition fees and operating expenses. If two certified volunteers are not present each day, the school can not run for the day. Your time is both a blessing and a necessity.

We are looking for volunteers for morning shifts, afternoon shifts, or full days. You let us know your availability and we will schedule accordingly.

  • Morning Shift: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

  • Afternoon Shift: 12:00 pm – 3:20 pm

Some of the In-Classroom Volunteer Duties include:

  • Take Attendance

  •  Check student planners

  •  Bring students to door for appointments

  •  Bring students to bathroom when needed

  • Meet guests at front door when needed

  • Prep materials for activities

  • Assist students with classroom activities, as directed by educator

  • Both Volunteers are responsible for students during nutrition breaks and recesses

In-Classroom Volunteers need to apply, which includes an interview, Vulnerable Sector Check and Plan to Protect certification. Don’t let that deter you! We are dedicated to providing a safe space for our students as well as our volunteers.

You set your availability each month and a schedule is made from there. Availability should be emailed to the school at the beginning of the third week of the previous month. Eg. October availability is emailed in the first few days of the third week in September.

We appreciate each and every one of our volunteers and the positive impact they have on our school community!

Cooking in the kitchen

Teach a Practical Skill

Enriching the lives of the students can be as easy as sharing your love for a practical skill. We would love to incorporate some of these teachings with helping the community. Can we make a soup or dessert for the warming centre? How about a craft or plant for the elderly in nursing homes?

Because you will be working closely with children, a vulnerable sector police check will be required. As well as your contact information.

Here are just some of the many examples of teachable skills we are looking for:

  •  Outdoor education (foraging, tree identification, plants, animals, etc.)

  •  Gardening (planting vegetables, herbs, harvesting seeds, etc.)

  • Flower Gardening (flower arranging, harvesting seeds, flower/plant identification, etc.)

  • Automotive Shop experience (changing a tire, oil changes, check tire pressure, fill fluids, etc.)

  • Woodworking (building a birdhouse, bat house, bookshelf, raised garden bed, etc.)

  • Arts & Crafts (painting/drawing techniques, create a holiday centerpiece, etc.)

  • Kitchen experience (baking muffins, making soup, kitchen safety, making bread, etc.)

  • Preserves (making jam, canning, etc.)

  • Music (piano lessons, how to read music, etc.)

  • Dance

  • Physical Education (sports, fitness, etc.)

  • Sewing (sewing machine skills, making an item, how to sew on buttons, embroidery, etc.)

  • Crocheting

  • Financial (saving, investments, banking, writing cheques, etc.)

  • Farm experience (dairy, beef, chickens, harvesting crops, etc.)

  • First Aid

  • Computer Skills

  • Any other teachable skill that will help our students in their future. The possibilities are endless!


Teaching these life skills to our students is so important and allows the school community to bless the larger community that we are a part of.


Prepare Crafts at Home

Do you work during the daytime but still want to support the school? Preparing a lesson at home is a great way to contribute. Materials will be supplied.

Only your contact information is a requirement.

Please reach out to us by email for more information on this volunteer opportunity.


Do you have a passion for worship? Or have a gospel message you’d like to share? Chapel happens on the first Monday of the month to start. As we move forward, we would like to have chapel weekly on Mondays. Your contact information and content is required to volunteer.

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628 Eleventh St. 
Hanover, ON N4N 1T7 


628 Eleventh St. 
Hanover, ON N4N 1T7 


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