Enrollment Process
Building Lasting Relationships
1. Learn about HCCS
To arrange a meeting with a board member and have a personalized tour of the school, or come to one of our open houses. Contact us Here
Review the HCCS Parent Handbook.
Browse the website-be sure to check out our HCCS Fact Sheet.
2. Complete and Submit:
Please submit the following to the Hanover Missionary Church office in a sealed envelope ATTENTION to HCCS
Enrollment Application Form to HCCS.
Most recent Progress Report for each student to be considered for admission.
Signed Parent Handbook acknowledgment sheet.
3. Family Meeting
Members of the Admissions Committee will meet with each family of grades 3-8 aged students. After that meeting a recommendation will go to the Board of Directors. K-2 aged students will be placed on a waiting list and contacted for a family meeting if an opening becomes available.
Child(ren) may be asked to meet with the educator(s) for academic assessment.
4. Confirmation of Enrollment
Family submits Tuition Commitment Form & cheques.