The goal of Christian education is not to isolate from the local community, rather to strengthen it by teaching children to be loving, outward focused, and servant-hearted. While the purpose of this school is to teach children according to our Christian values, we will seek to actively engage with our community in love and service.
We are hiring!
Full-Time Educator
Job Description
A commitment to Christian education
AM- content driven, including literacy and numeracy
PM- hands-on experience driven, solidifying content from the morning
Some administrative tasks are required by each staff member, including some bookkeeping, registrations, communication with families and community, booking events and field trips
"One Room School House" style- some use of technology, coordinating with volunteers, use of specified programming- allows for students to have an individualized experience
Please note- much of the year long range plan is outlined in our curriculum- This is meant to help in the planning process and allow educators to put more time into individualizing the experience for our students and creating community-school connections
What do you need to apply:
OCT Qualifications preferred
Letter of faith
Letter- why are you suited for this type of educational setting?
Experience with differentiating
2 professional references
Pastoral reference welcomed
Please apply below or by email at: hanoverchristianschool@gmail.com